Aim & Objectives

                     Welcome to the Anti Crime Bureau of India (ACBI), a non-governmental organization dedicated to eradicating crime, corruption, terrorism, human trafficking, women harassment, dowry practices, female foeticide, child labor and abuse, cyber crimes, and other social evils. Additionally, ACB is committed to protecting human rights and creating a safer, better society.

Our Aim

Our aim is to serve our country by making our society crime-free, corruption-free, and terrorism-free, ensuring a safe and secure environment for all citizens. We strive to achieve this through independent operations supported by efficient members and a powerful legal team of senior, experienced advocates.


      1. Combat Crime, Corruption, and Terrorism

        • Reveal functional irregularities and corruption in government and non-government departments.
        • Form committees at district, state, national, and international levels to curb crime, corruption, and terrorism.
        • Investigate matters and collect evidence on various malpractices, presenting this evidence to authorities for legal action.
      2. Support Law Enforcement and Judiciary

        • Cooperate fully with central and state governments, judiciary departments, and administration.
        • Provide information and assistance to law enforcement agencies to help in the detection and arrest of criminals and terrorists.
      3. Emergency and Disaster Response

        • Offer free services of members and officers during emergencies such as war operations, earthquakes, floods, and other natural calamities.
        • Collaborate with military, paramilitary, police, administration, civil defense, and other security agencies during emergencies.
      4. Drug De-addiction and Awareness

        • Establish drug de-addiction centers for the treatment of affected individuals.
        • Organize awareness campaigns on issues such as blood donation, drug de-addiction, female foeticide, dowry practices, crime prevention, traffic rules, and more.
      5. Legal Assistance

        • Provide free legal help to members, officers, and needy individuals through our legal advisory committee.
      6. Protect Human Rights

        • Prevent women harassment and exploitation, and ensure justice for workers in factories and small-scale industries.
        • Protect human rights in accordance with the Human Rights Act 1993 and Supreme Court guidelines.
      7. Social and Environmental Initiatives

        • Address issues like gambling, sex rackets, and unemployment.
        • Protect the environment and control pollution.
        • Prevent income tax and sales tax theft.
        • Conduct awareness campaigns on cyber crimes and assist in solving cyber crime cases.
        • Take urgent steps and carry out investigations on issues such as bonded labor, child labor, rape, and sexual harassment.
      8. Youth and Community Engagement

        • Educate youth on the harmful effects of drugs to safeguard the future of our nation.
        • Prevent the smuggling of alcohol and harmful drugs.
        • Assist government departments and investigation agencies in combating illegal activities such as fake currency, narcotics, illegal weapon smuggling, and terrorism.
        • Provide free education, medical aid, and employment to the weaker sections of society.
        • Organize public awareness programs related to various social campaigns run by the government.

Join us in our mission to create a crime-free, corruption-free, and safe society. Together, we can make a significant impact and build a better future for everyone.

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